Saturday, December 20, 2008

A pay raise of almost $5,000

Want one?
Sorry, YOU aren't one of our elite leaders who are going to get another automatic pay raise next year.
These are the same people who caused the implosion of the Mortgage industry, which in turn tipped the scales on everything else.
Which caused them to give away over 12 Trillion Dollars of your money. So far.

These are the same ones who didn't say jack chit to their contributors in the money industry except "How much do you want?"
These same people who want the heads of the Big Three to work for free- because of 'bad management' are going to get a $4,700 pay raise, and their staffs (the ones who can't be bothered to even READ the bills to be voted on) are going to all get raises, too.

Because everyone in D.C, is doing such a tremendous job looking out for the taxpayers interests.

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