Monday, December 04, 2006

Ciro Rodriguez cares about the law

This is what I saw when I went to the Hondo courthouse annex to vote.
It's a runoff between Henry Bonilla (R) who got 49% of the vote and Ciro Rodriguz (D) who got 18%. Henry didn't receive a 50+ percentile of the vote, so we have a's a Texas thing.

I must admit that he meticulously adhered to the electioneering demarcation line.
Even though you can see the door entrance ramp and handrail on the right side of this picture.

The Democrat Party.
Obeying the letter of the law.

Even if they have to use two parking spaces in a small parking lot.

Because they care!

Henry Bonilla- he remembers what it's like to look for a parking spot in a small lot.

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