Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hey, didn't they hold the primaries today?

Don't know for sure, have to withhold my vote for the Kinky petition.
I probably won't vote for him in the election, I just hope that it sends a message to BOTH parties that there are other kids to pick for our teams. They need to start playing right.

I just wonder, is there going to be any wailing about voter being "disenfranchised" by the same requirements as the last election, and the one in November? You know- bad voting machines, dishonest election officials, "stealing" the election (from your opponent of the same party).

How many stories are you going to read tomorrow about the "inequality" of polling places? Ballots that were "too hard to follow" between the to primary pols of the same ticket?
It's a good thing there's no hanging chads to decipher anymore.

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