Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So, now moslems want to swear to tell the truth on a Koran

Ummm, excuse me, but doesn't it say that LYING to further your cause is ok?

Well, at least the Judges in North Carolina disallow it in their courtrooms. Untill the ACLU goes in to force the Government to enforce an "estsablishment of religion" (U.S. Constitution) in government courthouses( As long as it doesn't have anything to do with the 10 Commandments, it's ok).

The state's judges will be asked this week to decide whether witnesses in North Carolina courtrooms can be sworn in on a Quran rather than a Bible.

The move comes after Guilford County judges rejected an offer last week by the Greensboro Islamic center to donate copies of the Quran, the Muslim holy book.

In a preliminary opinion issued last week, a lawyer for the Administrative Office of the Courts said that state law allows people to be sworn in using a Quran rather than a Bible, Ellis said. But Guilford County judges told officials with the Islamic center Friday that they would not allow that in their courtrooms.

"An oath on the Quran is not a lawful oath under our law," W. Douglas Albright, Guilford's Senior Resident Superior Court judge, said earlier in the week.

That decision disappointed Syidah Mateen, who tried to donate the copies of the Quran.

"This is a diverse world, and everybody does not worship or believe the same," she said.

Ellis said he is not aware of anyone ever being allowed to swear on anything other than the Bible in a North Carolina courtroom.

Anyone who objects to that may take an oath, which means that they raise their hand and affirm to tell the truth.

Which pretty much gets into conflict with a Religion that tells their adherants that it's ok to lie any time they want to.

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